Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A List Of Names Of All 493 Pokemon

in family ..... Planet Terror! Viva

Sunday afternoon, I went with the family after dinner to see Planet Terror. After some discussion about the choice of the film (they were between watching this or some ....), Ratatui finally the family behaved with me (I guess so "heavy" and the ass that I at times) and went to see Planet Terror.
behind us as has become very common lately, was the typical young small group (who by the way, I felt like them to get his machine gun on the ....), who go to see films that have heard that they are of a guy who is amazing, etc, etc, and have no ... idea of what they see. But finally that there will be while the sky is blue, wet rain, etc.
The film, I think I just liked me (and I expected, however), but I must say that the criticism of it, there were harsh.
Anyway for anyone who has not seen, only two things a lot of blood and many interesting cameos.
PS: Message to Axl: We have to go see these films you and me like old times, scum !!!!!!!


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